Sunday, March 20, 2011

What have you learned so far?

Write down 3 things you have learned, 2 things you found interesting and 1 thing you like the most about the lesson.

3 Things you have learned:

2 Things you found interesting:

1 Thing you like the most:


  1. I have Looked though all the slides
    Things I Have Learned:
    1.In Science:White Blood Cells Kills the Germs.
    2.In Science:In the video titled What Should...? We can use the food diet to make the flower A colour.
    3.In Mathematics:In The Video we can make use of doing the fractions.
    Things I Found Interesting:
    1. The Videos Ms Alia Uploaded here.
    2. The Slides Ms Alia uploaded here.
    Things I Like the most:
    1.The Videos That was uploaded.
    2.The Slides That was uploaded.
    Erm... my fist time so don't know wad to write.

  2. WAIT.... is slides and videos never type in the video~

  3. 3 Things I have learned:
    1.Blood Vessels have 3 types
    2.Blood has 4 types
    3.Difference between Respiration and Photosynthesis
    1.Easier and Faster solutions to solve a problem
    2.How to change a whole number to improper fraction
    3.Simplify plays a important part in product of fraction

    2 Things you found interesting:
    1.posters that helps students understand better
    2.Videos that gives more information

    1 Thing you like the most:
    1.The creativity and effort to find videos/mind maps to help students understand

  4. Dear ShiYing, keep on reflecting and make good use of the blog. :)

    Dear HudaLikesPurple, hope you really find the resources useful!

    All the best to the cloze passage test tomorrow! :)

  5. 1 i know is plasma carries other thing
    2 white blood cell kill germs

  6. Just to not get confuse i have only 1 account

  7. Dear Shawn, can you tell me what are the 'other things' that is carried by the plasma? :)

    ShiYing & Huda -> You're most welcome.

  8. Wad lesseon? Maths or Science?
    Maths: Learn Dividing A Fraction By A Whole Number.Divide the fraction using a whole number is quite easy e.g. 1 . 1( my devide Sign too big)
    - - 2 = -
    3 . 6
    Science: Learn nothing today because no science lesson today.( Nvr Teach )

  9. The Fraction im trying to write is
    1 . 1
    - - 2 = -
    3 . 6
    My Divide sign too big cause I dont know how to write

  10. O.o Me also I'm Shiying this is my only account Just that I changed my name~

  11. it is useful for exam and topical tests......... thank you miss alia

  12. i like those science things........

  13. hi everyone!!!! r u there 5faith???

  14. 1. learn how to divide fracion
    that only for today

  15. miss alia why the time so wired?

  16. i like it, i just learned that there are three types of blood vessels, red blood cells carries oxygen and some carbon dioxide, and an artery is a blood vessel which carries blood away from the heart, while a vein is a blue vessel which carries blood back to the heart.
    2 things that i found interesting is that an artery is a blood vessel which carries blood away from the heart, while a vein is a blue vessel which carries blood back to the heart and red blood cells carries oxygen and some carbon dioxide.
    what i like the most, is knowing that red blood cells carries oxygen and some carbon dioxide

  17. Shi Ying -> Thanks for the effort of putting in the fractions in your post. I understand it is hard to insert fractions. :P But don't worry, I understand what you meant.

    Michelle -> Glad you like the Science resources. When I have the time, I will go and check out about the time issue ok?

    Jovi -> Well done. Good effort!Hope you will remember those facts. Just wondering, is the vein really a blue vessel (a vessel that is really blue in nature)?

    To all -> Hope you find the lesson today about 'Division of Fraction by Whole Number' interesting :)

  18. To all-> I've changed the timing to be the exact timing (Singapore time). Thanks Michelle for highlighting it to me.

  19. the slides are very nice miss alia and thx for creating thiss blog for us.thx!!!!!

  20. Thanks Wei Long. I am glad there are some who appreciate the blog. :) Study smart and work hard!

  21. is there something wrong with the tag board
